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Foods That Boost Testosterone

According to research, one in every four men suffers from low testosterone. For any man, experiencing low testosterone is nearly a nightmare. Not only does having a low amount of free testosterone affect your sex drive, but it also can affect your muscle development and overall life.

The problem is, most people feel the pressure to turn to pharmaceuticals, which have a lot of undesirable side effects and could actually make matters worse. The last thing you want to do is have more problems.

Thankfully, many foods boost testosterone, so all you have to do is focus more on your nutrition and you can get that mojo flowing again, naturally!

The only question is, what are the best testosterone-boosting foods, and how can you know if you are consuming enough of them?

We decided to create this article to teach you everything you need to know about foods that boost testosterone. So keep on reading to find out more.


Symptoms of Low Testosterone

If you feel you have low testosterone but aren’t sure, many signs and symptoms will help you know. The characteristics of low testosterone are unique, so once you know you have it you can start consuming the right foods that boost testosterone, and get back on track.

Some of the most common symptoms of low testosterone are:

  • Low sex drive
  • Low energy
  • Lack of ambition
  • Infertility
  • Bone loss
  • Muscle loss, difficulty gaining muscle
  • Hair loss on both face and body
  • Unbalanced mood
  • Memory loss
  • Difficulty focusing

There are many symptoms of low testosterone, and the best way to tell is to take a “free testosterone” test. This test specifically looks for the extra free-flowing testosterone in the body called free testosterone.


The difference Between Testosterone and Free Testosterone

Not all testosterone in the body has the same functions, so it is important to know the difference to better understand how to fix it. There are two types of testosterone in the body; bound testosterone, and free testosterone. Bound testosterone makes up for 98% of the testosterone in the body, and it binds to create sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) for sexual development.

Free testosterone, on the other hand, is what is readily available for the body to use in times of need. So while a regular testosterone test may signal that you have enough levels, the free testosterone is what’s needed for sex drive, muscle development, and the desired masculine qualities.

Testing for bound testosterone may lead you to an improper diagnosis and the wrong type of treatment. You must know the difference so that you can create the right treatment plan.


The Problems With Low Testosterone

Aside from a low sex drive, and inability to build muscle, there are many serious more problems from being testosterone deficient. These problems can affect multiple functions in your body and your overall health.

Some of these major problems are:

  • Obesity, as testosterone is responsible for fat loss
  • Reproductive issues such as erectile dysfunction and low sperm count
  • Lack of vitality; testosterone is responsible for a man’s overall drive in life
  • Anxiety and depression; low testosterone is linked to poor mental health
  • Overall hormone imbalances
  • Lower red blood cell count
  • More risk for bone fractures and injuries

No matter what age you are, low testosterone can and will affect your overall health.


Foods That Boost Testosterone

Now that you understand what low testosterone is, and how it can affect your overall health, you must know how to boost it naturally. Many foods contain phytoestrogens, which are nutrients that mimic the function of hormones in the body. When consumed in enough amounts, it can boost levels of testosterone and other hormones in both men and women.


Garlic contains a specific compound called allicin which helps your body to regulate and lower cortisol levels. When cortisol levels are high, it can affect many other hormones and functions in the body. This is why cortisol is known as the “master hormone”.

Stress is the main cause of high cortisol levels, which is why high stress can affect your physical health. So not only will consuming more garlic help you to lower your stress, but it can also help to raise your testosterone.


Tuna is a great source of lean protein, which makes it a popular choice for bodybuilders. Tuna is also a great source of vitamin D, which is essential for hormone production.

Make sure you limit your consumption of tuna, as it also contains high levels of mercury, which is toxic in high amounts. Aim for one to two servings per week to ensure you are getting enough vitamin D, and low amounts of mercury.


Shellfish is an excellent source of zinc, which is also essential for male hormone production and a strong immune system. This is why it is suggested that teenage boys consume zinc during puberty. The best shellfish to consume are oysters, crab, lobster, and mussels. Keep in mind that shellfish is also an aphrodisiac, which can boost your sex drive.

So not only will shellfish help you to raise your testosterone levels and strengthen your immune system, but it will also get your mojo going!


Almonds are extremely high in the mineral zinc, which as you know, is great for testosterone boosting. Zinc stimulates the pituitary gland to produce key hormones including the luteinizing hormone LH.

Approximately 100g of almonds contain 3.12 mg of zinc. Almonds make a great snack or topping to salads, oatmeal, and other main course recipes.


Beef is an excellent food for boosting testosterone levels, as it contains both vitamin D and zinc. This doesn’t mean that you should have beef with every meal, as it does contain a high amount of fats, and is also linked to conditions such as heart disease and colon cancer.

However, consuming beef once or twice a week is a perfect amount to stimulate your testosterone. Aim for lean cuts such as beef liver, lean ground beef, and ground chuck.


Spinach is notoriously known for being one of the best foods that boost testosterone. This was even hinted back in the 1960s with the popular TV show, “Popeye”.

Spinach is also very high in magnesium, which helps to relax the muscles and lower stress. It also has iron, vitamin B6, and many other essential nutrients. Add spinach into your shakes to boost the nutritional content, or mix it with your eggs in the morning.


Not only are eggs an “eggcellent” source of protein, but they are also high in vitamin D, omega-3’s, and good cholesterol. The best part with consuming eggs is that they are a perfect addition to nearly every recipe.

There is a negative stigma around egg consumption and cholesterol, which is a bit misleading. Eggs do contain cholesterol, but they help your body to raise your HDL, which is good cholesterol.

Porridge and Oats

Fortified cereals such as oats, porridge, and other whole grains contain high levels of vitamin D, B, zinc, and other testosterone-boosting foods. Oatmeal is a very healthy way to start your day, as it contains complex carbohydrates for a great source of sustainable energy.

Try adding them into a protein pancake recipe, or make some overnight oats for a new change. Add some almonds as a topping, and you have a double-testosterone boosting meal.


Bananas contain bromelain, which in some studies have discovered can increase levels of testosterone. Bananas are also a great source of potassium, which is essential for replenishing sore muscles from weightlifting. Add them to your smoothies, or onto oatmeal as an added boost of nutrition for your daily intake.


Salmon is one of the best foods for boosting testosterone, as well as gaining lean muscle. This is because salmon contains high amounts of omega 3s, magnesium, and vitamin B.

It also helps to lower the sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) which negatively affects the function of testosterone in the body. When you purchase salmon, make sure it is wild-caught, and not farmed (Atlantic) salmon. You will be able to tell by its beautiful ruby-red color that it is wild and fresh.


Other Ways to Boost Testosterone

Aside from consuming foods that boost testosterone, there are other safe ways to safely increase testosterone levels. Adding a supplement such as Allmax Testo FX will help your body to limit estrogen, increase testosterone, and lower levels of cortisol.

Tribulus is another excellent supplement choice that will naturally help your body to produce more testosterone. It does this by stimulating the release of the luteinizing hormone LH. TRIBX90 is one of the best natural sources of Tribulus on the market, with no synthetic ingredients and third-party testing.


Learn More About Boosting Your Testosterone Levels

Now that you know the best foods that boost testosterone, it is time to start eating! Remember it is all about increasing your levels of free testosterone in the body, rather than bound testosterone.

To learn more about boosting testosterone naturally, check out our natural testosterone boosters.

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